by Mark | iRobot, Smart Appliances
The Roomba brand nowadays is synonymous with the entire robot vacuum niche, and that’s due not just to their capable marketing department. It’s also due to the fact that Roomba vacuum cleaners actually do work very well, and this is a fact attested to by an...
by Mark | Autoslide, Smart Appliances
Dogs, for all the joy they can gives us, can be very needy. This is a fact that every dog owner knows. And it’s not just their food and water which you should think about. It’s after they eat and drink that’s important too. Since they need to go outside to “do their...
by Mark | Neurio, Smart Appliances
Fans of home automation offer several compelling reasons why they prefer to stock their homes with a network of smart devices. One is that it’s simply cool to do so, and you can’t underestimate the feeling of being on the cutting edge of high tech trends. Another...
by Mark | Smart Appliances
Throughout the 20th century, various appliance manufacturers have made their wares better and more useful by introducing innovative features. Some have become programmable, like DVD players. Others can be controlled with a remote controller so you don’t have to get up...